1. Computer Literacythe knowledge and ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, with skill levels ranging from elementary use to computer programming and advanced problem solving.
2. Tailoring Course Here the main task is Cloth Work and Embroidery. The projects in this area could include: Embroidery on table mats, aprons, towels, embroidery on baby dresses and wrappers and making of the same, beading on dupattas, sarees and other associated accessories, pillows for children, baby blankets. The students are taught different stitches depending on their capability which will then be incorporated into the above mentioned projects.
3. Detergent MakingHere the students will
learn the fine nuances of Detergent Making. They are taught safety and care while working with electricity
and chemicals. They are taught to make variants of detergents and the procedures associated with the same. Some kind
of detegents being made Soap making, Soap Powder, Lotion making and many others. The students
are also taught how to use the same.
4. Handicrafts The students are taught specific crafts that are festival or season
based. The association with crafts and the festivals gives the students the opportunity to experience new
things and expand their knowledge base. crafts such as Cover making, Eco-bagscreated are displayed and
5. Gardening The students do organic backyard gardening in the post monsoon session. All staff and students will participate in the said activity.
This allows all to have an exposure to nature and learn to appreciate where the food comes from. This
is also a calming activity as there is no expectation of perfection but just the ability to be one
with nature.
6. Paperworks Here the main task is Paper related craft works. The projects under this area could include: Card Making, assorted Stationary products like pen stands, paper holders, Table Mats, Books and associated products, Household accessories like trays, lanterns. The skill training will be in areas of tracing, drawing, cutting, folding, sticking, and decorating among others.
7. Painting/ArtsHere the students are allowed to experience the world of colour with no compulsion of creating anything that will be judged as right or wrong. They are guided to feel what they are painting, at the same time all that they do is displayed so that they can observe and appreciate their work as well as that of others. They are taught to use different mediums and different textures.
8. Felting/KnittingThis is an activity that works with creating things with wool. It is a wonderful task that commands concentration at the same time giving a smooth and endearing feeling on the hands. It is an enjoyable activity and many things can be created with the wool. The projects that can be undertaken are cushion covers, dolls, pouches, purses, hair accessories among others.